The best international schools in Moscow

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International british schools in Moscow

Embark on an educational journey in Moscow with a selection of elite schools catering to diverse needs. From the British-focused MCS, offering personalized bilingual education, to Riverside School’s immersive English environment in the picturesque Novogorsk, each institution stands out. Brookes School Moscow, part of a global network, promises quality education in a central location. Russian International School, combining Russian and British curricula, ensures holistic development. Whether it’s “Classika” emphasizing language proficiency or the innovative “Tomorrow’s School” with a unique biblical approach, Moscow’s educational landscape is rich and varied, ready to shape students for success on the global stage. Explore the options and discover the perfect fit for your child’s academic journey.

Let’s explore the top 11 schools in Moscow that meet the best criteria.

  1. Cambridge International School

CIS is a school that builds its educational system based on the globally renowned Cambridge methodology. The program encompasses preschool, primary, and secondary education according to Cambridge standards, with the possibility of studying key Russian subjects.

Graduation involves international exams, the results of which open doors to prestigious universities worldwide. Additionally, students take the Russian Unified State Exam (ЕГЭ) and receive a Russian diploma.

     Advantages of the school:

– Students begin learning English from an early age, not only as a subject but as the primary means of instruction and communication.

– The program offers a comprehensive international-level education starting from kindergarten.

– Qualified teachers from English-speaking countries are involved in the teaching process.

– Small class sizes (up to 14 students) allow for individualized learning.

– The school provides additional activities such as drawing, dance, ballet, football, chess, jiu-jitsu, fencing, robotics, diving, vocal training, graphic design, and animation.

– Infrastructure: Modern campuses equipped for comfortable and engaging learning. Campuses are located in Skolkovo (western Moscow near the Skolkovo innovation center), Festivalnaya (northern Moscow near Rechnoy Vokzal metro station), and a campus in St. Petersburg near the Gulf of Finland.

  1. British International School

BIS is one of the oldest international schools in Moscow, providing high-class education and a comprehensive approach for children aged 3 to 18. Over 2000 students have graduated from the school, gaining admission to leading universities in Russia and worldwide.

The school operates two departments:

– International Department: Education follows the best traditions of British schools based on the National Curriculum of England and the pre-university IB Diploma program.

– Russian Department: Education aligns with Federal State Educational Standards. English is intensively studied, and students can choose a second foreign language (French, Spanish, German, or Chinese).

BIS holds an “Excellent” rating in every category according to the British Schools Overseas inspection.


– International accreditations (ECIS, CIS, COBIS).

– Six schools in different areas of Moscow.

– Class sizes up to 15 students.

– Large team of qualified teachers.

– Over 25 school clubs including 3D modeling, programming, chess, ballet, mental arithmetic, martial arts, fashion design, etc.

– Comprehensive approach including school bus services, extended day programs, and psychological and speech therapy services.

   Licenses and Certificates:

– Moscow Department of Education and Science License.

– Edexcel Approved Centre Accreditation.

– Cambridge International Examinations Accreditation.

– IBO Accreditation.

– ECIS Membership Accreditation and Certificate.

– CIS Membership Accreditation and Certificate.

  1. British School MCS

British School MCS focuses on the individual development of each student, offering a diverse range of courses and a creative atmosphere – fulfilling expectations of what parents seek from British schools. MCS provides bilingual education, skillfully combining British educational programs and Russian Federal State Educational Standards (FGOS). Graduates receive two diplomas.

   Key Features:

– Modern and high-quality education comparable to private English schools.

– Emphasis on developing critical thinking, curiosity, and increasing academic motivation through solving non-standard tasks.

– Full-day school with teaching based on individual educational routes, along with pedagogical and psychological support for each student.

– Balanced workload, collaboration of psychologists, educators, healthcare professionals, and a tailored schedule contribute to effective learning of both programs without mental exhaustion.

– Certificates such as A-levels, GCSE, and/or Cambridge CAE are awarded, granting the right to university admission in any English-speaking country.

  1. Riverside School

Riverside School is a bilingual primary school located in the Moscow suburbs, in Novogorsk. It simultaneously follows British national and Russian educational programs. The British program includes Key Stage 1 (ages 5–7, grades 1–2) and Key Stage 2 (ages 7–12, grades 3–6). Alongside the British program, children undergo Russian primary education based on FGOS.


– Full immersion in an English-language environment.

– Experienced English-speaking educators in the English department.

– Wide range of extracurricular activities: sports (swimming, tennis, football, wrestling, skiing, golf), creative workshops (drawing, dance, music, theater), intellectual development clubs (chess, robotics).

– Professional security and daily bus transportation.

– Extended school hours until 20:00 with various activities and amenities for children.


Riverside School is situated in a nature conservation zone in the Skhodnya River valley, surrounded by over 1 hectare of forest.

  1. Brookes School Moscow

Brookes School Moscow is an international coeducational private school founded in 2018. All subjects are taught in English, and it is part of the Brookes Education Group with schools worldwide. The institution includes a preschool section for children aged 2 and a school for children aged 6 to 7.


– Highly qualified teachers, many with advanced degrees.

– Exchange programs with schools in the USA, Canada, UK, South Korea, India.

– Healthy three-meal daily catering.

– Convenient location in one of Moscow’s best districts.

– School representatives assist with organizing accommodation in Moscow.

  1. Russian International School (RIS)

RIS is an elite educational center offering dual programs: Russian and British national. The school features experienced educators from Russia and the UK, adhering to high standards in both Russian and British education.

   Special Features:

– Class sizes limited to 10 students.

– Additional sections and workshops: ballet, karate, artistic gymnastics, football, Chinese martial arts, theatrical studio, chess, and English clubs.

– Collaboration with British educational institutions, aiding with admissions and document processing.

   Licenses and Certificates:

– Accreditation from the British Examination Commission (Edexcel Approved Centre) to prepare students for A-levels and GCSE.

– Accreditation from Cambridge International Examinations, along with an educational license from the Russian Ministry of Education and state accreditation.

  1. Children’s English school “Classics”

“Классика” is an elementary school with a deep focus on foreign language learning, using the “School 2100” and “Learn to Learn” programs. Lessons are conducted in both Russian and English. Starting from the second grade, children also study French or Chinese alongside English.

   Key Features:

– Small classes (up to 10 students).

– Optional “Mental Arithmetic” course, a unique methodology harmoniously developing both hemispheres of the brain.

– Extended day group for relaxation, play, meals, and homework.

– Language internships (regular trips to Europe during holidays).

  1. Academic Gymnasium

Academic Gymnasium offers preschool, primary, basic general, and secondary education according to the Russian educational program. It is also an ESOL center for conducting Cambridge English tests. Graduates successfully pass these tests, facilitating admission to foreign universities.


– Extensive extracurricular activities, including excursions, clubs, conferences, roundtable discussions, Olympiads, research, sports sections, and competitions.

– Options for full-time, homeschooling, part-time (external), and their combinations.

– Educational program supplemented with individual subjects from Cambridge University.

– Learning a second foreign language.

   Licenses and Certificates:

– Accreditation and license for educational activities.

– Certified Cambridge ESOL center.

  1. European Gymnasium

European Gymnasium is one of the few international private schools in Russia using the International Baccalaureate (IB) program from grades 1 to 11. Children also follow the state educational program. In the primary school, the state program integrates with the PYP IBO approaches. From an early age, students deeply study English and begin learning a second foreign language.

   Special Features:

– Preparation for the IB and Russian exams on individual programs.

– In-depth study of two foreign languages.

– Students in middle and high school can choose the language of instruction: English or Russian.

– Preparation for KET, PET, and FCE exams.

   Licenses and Certificates:

– Authorization for all three IB programs: PYP, MYP, DP.

– State accreditation and license.

  1. School of Tomorrow

“School of Tomorrow” is a bilingual school based on biblical principles, using the proprietary teaching methodology created by Dr. Donald Howard. The approach involves individualized learning, allowing students to progress at their own pace.


– Mandatory SAT and TOEFL testing for graduates.

– Authorized to conduct Stanford testing since 2004.

– Graduates easily pass the Russian Unified State Exam (EGE) and gain admission to top global universities.

– Annual “School of Tomorrow” Olympiads with participants from various countries.

    Licenses and Certificates:

– NCPSA and Accreditation International certificates.

– State accreditation and license.

– Fire safety declaration.

– CITA accreditation.

  1. Marina International Private School

Marina International Private School operates based on the federal program with a focus on mastering several foreign languages. Children start learning English from the 1st grade, and from the 4th grade, they choose French, Spanish, or German. In higher grades, a third foreign language is added to the curriculum.


– Collaboration with leading universities in the country, British, Canadian, and American universities.

– Educational exchanges and trips during holidays.

– Participation and victories in Olympiads and project work competitions (including in India and California).

– Marina, together with the California Theater, stages musicals in English.

    Licenses and Certificates:

– License and accreditation for educational activities.

– CIS (Council of International Schools) membership.

– Conclusion C (unknown context).

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